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General Terms and Conditions for Events Autogrill Schweiz AG, PO Box 2136, 8060 Zurich Airport)

1. General

These general terms and conditions apply exclusively to the contracts of Autogrill Schweiz AG at Zurich Airport (hereinafter referred to as ATG) in connection with an on-site or external event.

2 Rights and Obligations ATG

ATG confirms the reservation in writing and undertakes to carry out the event according to the requested and confirmed services. ATG does not assume the function of an organizer in any form. The organizer and therefore responsible for the orderly running of the event is always the customer or his client.

ATG can demand an advance payment of 50% for an amount of 5,000 or more. No-shows will be charged at 100%. No discounts are granted.

3 Rights and obligations of the customer

The customer must sign and date the written confirmation and send it back to ATG in order for a contract to be concluded. The confirmed number of people serves as a guideline and can be adjusted up to -10%.

The exact number of people must be stated up to 2 working days* before the start of the event and is used for invoicing. The invoice must be paid without deductions within 30 days of the date of issue.

4 catering prices

Additional costs will be charged for events that take place outside of an ATG company or in a company without service. The same applies to a venue for a concept that is not normally served. The additional costs will be charged as follows:

a. Service and kitchen staff on site, as required

- per employee / hour until 9.30 p.m. 45.00

- per employee / hour from 9.30 p.m. 56.00

b. Banquet manager

- per employee / hour until 9.30 p.m. 56.00

- per employee / hour from 9.30 p.m. 65.00

c. A flat rate for table linen, set-up and dismantling will be charged depending on the type and effort of the event.

d. Dismantling from 9.30 p.m. will be charged additionally based on the time and effort involved

- per employee / hour 20.00

e. Rental conditions Old control tower, Terminal 1

- Room rental up to 3 hours 150.00

- Room rental up to 6 hours 300.00

- Room rental for the whole day 600.00

- Room rent second room 100.00

5 Damages and Liability

The customer is liable for all property damage and personal damage, including consequential damage, caused to ATG, its employees or third parties during the stay by himself, agents and guests. ATG is released from all liability to third parties in connection with events carried out by the customer. ATG is not liable for items brought in by the customer, their representatives or guests. Any insurance is the responsibility of the client.

6 Advertising

Newspaper advertisements and other advertising with reference to the ATG generally require the ATG's prior written consent.

7 Cancellation

The event can be canceled free of charge by the customer up to 5 working days* before the event. In the event of a later cancellation, 100% of the confirmed costs will be charged. Costs already incurred for special services and furniture can also be offset before this deadline.

ATG reserves the right to cancel the reservation without liability for compensation in the event of an emergency situation. In this case, ATG will endeavor to provide the customer with another room as a replacement if possible. If ATG has reason to believe that the event booked by the customer endangers the smooth running of the business, the security or the reputation of the company, the event can be canceled without compensation.

8 Applicable law and place of jurisdiction

These general contractual conditions and the contracts concluded on their basis are subject to Swiss law. Olten/SO is agreed as the place of performance and jurisdiction.

*1 working day = 24 hours, Monday - Friday, excluding public holidays

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